Security Products - Overview

As of 2010, this site has NO financial ties (commissions) with commercial security product retailers. This site is pro-bono – a PSA (Public Service Announcement) free to all 2+ million visitors from 162 countries.

Here are the security products for all your needs - from home security hardware and burglar alarm equipment to personal safety devices for wherever you go.

Your security really is in your hands.

Yet we put off security because we tend to think it's improbable that a predator will ever target us. The possibility we haven’t taken seriously looks strange; what looks strange needn’t be taken seriously.

We daydream through everyday routines such as driving or walking home without even remembering turning the corner or noticing the predator following us. And we're blind to the cracks in our home security that predators easily see. And that is how we become easy prey.

The state-of-the-art products on the following pages greatly improve your home and personal security. You’ll also find solutions to security lapses you didn’t even know you had. Welcome to a far safer future.

Burglary Prevention Hardware, Burglar Alarm Equipment, and Personal Safety Devices

Security Products - Overview
Home Security - Product Buying Guide - Intro
Burglary Prevention: what burglars hope you don't know.
Panic Rooms: where to go in home invasions.
Safe Room
Door Reinforcement
Door Security Systems: door security hardware.
Lock Bumping: for the best deadbolt locks.
Peepholes: know who's knocking at your door before you open it.
Home Intercom System: stay safe when strangers choose your home.
Sliding Door Security Hardware and Home Window Security.
Window Reinforcement
Garage & Yard Reinforcement
Outdoor Security Lighting keeps burglars away.
Simple Home Electronics
Alarm Systems
DIY Home Security Systems protect your home with no monthly fees.
Flaws in Electronic Security
Apartment & Dormitory Security
Apartment Security: how renters can keep safe FAQ.
Personal Security Devices
Personal Security Alarm: (screamer or noisemaker)
GPS Child Locator: a child tracking device.
Pepper Spray.
Senior Safety Products for home and outdoors.

Of course, NO security products are guaranteed to prevent any crime - but might serve you well if combined with the guidance in Home Security Overview and Outdoor Safety Overview.

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