Security Products:
Simple Electronics for
Burglary Prevention

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Criminals hate these simple security products. They can be used separately, or linked together as diy home security systems, or supplement a monitored Alarm System. Most burglars move on to an easier target.

Also reinforce your Doors, Windows, and Garage for overall protection.


Motion detector alarm with a siren and strobe-light for in-or-outdoors.

Indoor motion detector lights are useful for hallways, stairs and so on – to reveal an intruder or to illuminate your late-night jaunts to the bathroom or refrigerator.

Outdoor motion detectors have indoor audio alarms that sound like a doorbell. False alarms from a wandering cat or wind-blown leaves aren’t usually much of a nuisance.

See Outdoor Security Lighting.


A Home Intercom System (also known as doorbell intercoms) let you talk with a visitor (or just listen) without opening your door and risking a Push-In. They're especially useful when also using peepholes.


A woman’s video camera hidden in a false book in her bookcase caught a repairman stealing prescription drugs from her Lenox MA home.

Spy camera (disguised as a teddy bear, book , etc.). Watch your baby or see a predator without being seen.

Wall-plate camera sees an entire room - or outside your entry door - but they can't see you.

Night-Vision Cameras see without light (in full color).

Surveillance cameras are mounted in-or-outdoors either conspicuously (as a deterrent) or hidden within a hollowed-out book. ... You can add a motion-sensitive digital recorder to monitor a babysitter, repairman, or intruder and record only the action. ... Also, signals can be sent to a TV in your home or over the Internet so you can secretly watch your home while you’re anywhere in the world.

Dummy Security Cameras are very inexpensive. Cover your vital outdoor areas (doors, windows, etc.) with real home security cameras, and also prominently install dummy security cameras. The more, the better. Multiple cameras imply that your house is too tough of a target.

MORE Simple Electronic Home Security Products

Window alarms shriek when a window is opened or broken - a low-cost yet ideal way to scare off a burglar.

Automatic timers for lights, TVs, and radios give a burglar the impression that someone is at home while you’re away. Versatile models turn on/off as many as eight things - throughout your home - at your chosen times. ... You can also sleep soundly while several lights in distant rooms turn on/off to give the impression that you're awake and aware.

Of course, NO security products are guaranteed to prevent any crime - but might serve you well if combined with the guidance in Home Security Overview and Outdoor Safety Overview.

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