Domestic Violence & Safe Rooms Newsletter

The British government’s Sanctuary Projects are providing victims of domestic violence with refuges where they can hide from their violent partners. The main bedroom is provided with a reinforced door, a spy hole, an escape ladder and window locks.

Their intentions are good but their logic is less than ideal. Using the bedroom itself as a safe room might be a poor choice because both the victim and abuser may already be in the bedroom when the violence begins.

A better choice for a battering victim might be a safe closet (either within the bedroom or elsewhere in the home). However, the abuser will know where any safe room or closet is located and could attack her anywhere else in the home and not allow her to enter the safe room or closet.

But above and beyond a battered woman needing a safe room for an emergency escape from domestic violence, she must also consider the overall picture of her life. Why is she staying in such a dangerous situation where she needs a safe room to escape from a violent partner?

Any domestic violence victim (or anyone fearing threats of potential violence) who doesn’t leave that relationship immediately must learn about themselves and find help and hope at Battered Woman Syndrome.

In addition, children witnessing their mother being harmed – especially by their father or stepfather – are emotionally scarred and may develop a lifelong distrust of intimate relationships. Find help at Crime-Survivors-Recap.

Modern societies are now very much aware of the horrors of domestic violence – with or without children involved. Your local rape crisis center and local police will help you find help. See Domestic Violence for insights and how experts will help you escape. That’s your path toward safety and freedom from abuse.


Still, a safe room or closet can protect you from burglars and home invaders. Learn how to create a safe room, safe closet, hidden rooms, small safes, and hiding spots at Safe Room.

Crime-Safety-Security > Newsletter Archive > newsletter-13-May-08

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